Steve Ferrante's High Performance Blog for Sales/Customer Service/Leadership Champs and Progressive Professionals!

Posts tagged ‘Success’

Doubt is the Enemy of Success

When it comes to success in any endeavor, doubt stands in stark contrast to belief. While belief propels individuals forward with confidence and conviction, doubt undermines their efforts and stifles progress. When doubt creeps into the minds of individuals it casts shadows of uncertainty over their abilities and goals. It erodes confidence, causing hesitation and indecision, ultimately hindering action and achievement.

In essence, doubt is the enemy of success, impeding personal growth and inhibiting the realization of one’s full potential. Therefore, while belief serves as a catalyst for success, doubt serves as its adversary, threatening to derail even the most determined individuals from reaching their goals.

Having spent the past 30 years in business consulting and having trained well over 10,000 professionals since starting my own consultancy in 2005, I have found that most failures are from those who doubted they would succeed to begin with.

Often this self-sabotaging is subconscious with the offender not even being aware of the doubt trap they created. As an example, a few years ago I was a featured speaker at an annual conference for a large service industry association. As anticipated, there were about 400 members in attendance. After my presentation, a couple dozen or so attendees came up to say hello, ask questions, retrieve my business card, etc. While chatting, a woman remarked, “I don’t know how you do it… I could never speak in front of hundreds of people.” Predicting her predicament I asked, “do you often speak to large groups like this?” “No never, I’m a terrible public speaker,” she pleaded.

Likewise, I’m a terrible astronaut, an atrocious brain surgeon, and simply stink at a whole bunch of other things I’ve never tried to do or be.

So, if you ever say (or think) you’re not good at something you’ve never done, recognize that you’re setting yourself up to fail.  On the plus-side, you have also identified your first step in recovery.

Believe to Achieve

Belief serves as the foundation upon which high achievers build their aspirations and goals. These individuals cultivate a deep-seated confidence in themselves, their abilities, and their vision, enabling them to persist in the face of adversity and setbacks.

Belief fuels high achievers’ determination, driving them to push beyond their comfort zones and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Moreover, their unwavering belief in their potential fosters resilience, allowing them to bounce back from failures with renewed energy and determination.

In summary, you have to believe to achieve. No doubt about it.


Adversity Can Make Or Break Your Success

“Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it.” – Winston S. Churchill

Overcoming adversity is one of the true measures of a persons character and of success itself. If you have not endured adversity and have somehow taken the perfect path to success than good for you. And potentially bad for you too. When challenges and obstacles block your path will you have the resiliency, grit and determination to overcome them and succeed? 

Overcoming adversity is an essential trait of a ‘Pinnacle Performer’ and key differentiator from the average person who’s progress and success potential is hindered (and often halted) by adversity.

And with that I bring you one of the most powerful examples of overcoming adversity I have ever seen.  14-year old, Lorelei Mosnegutu, was born with no arms and abandoned as a baby. As you’ll see (and hear) in the video below from Romania’s Got Talent that certainly did not stop her from succeeding.

I hope Lorelei’s performance (and the judges comments) helps you put your own challenges in perspective and inspires you to overcome the adversity you face (or are facing) on your path to success!

Make a Great Day!


Never Forget > Lauren Hill

Monday Morning Motivation: The Ant Philosophy

For this weeks Monday Morning Motivation, below is a great little piece from renown business philosopher, Jim Rohn.  This is a perfect lesson for Pinnacle Performers and those who would like to be one.

Walk The Path!



The Ant Philosophy
by Jim Rohn

Over the years I’ve been teaching kids about a simple but powerful concept—the ant philosophy. I think everybody should study ants. They have an amazing four-part philosophy, and here is the first part: ants never quit. That’s a good philosophy. If they’re headed somewhere and you try to stop them, they’ll look for another way. They’ll climb over, they’ll climb under, they’ll climb around. They keep looking for another way. What a neat philosophy, to never quit looking for a way to get where you’re supposed to go.

Second, ants think winter all summer. That’s an important perspective. You can’t be so naive as to think summer will last forever. So ants gather their winter food in the middle of summer.

An ancient story says, “Don’t build your house on the sand in the summer.” Why do we need that advice? Because it is important to think ahead. In the summer, you’ve got to think storm. You’ve got to think rocks as you enjoy the sand and sun.

The third part of the ant philosophy is that ants think summer all winter. That is so important. During the winter, ants remind themselves, “This won’t last long; we’ll soon be out of here.” And the first warm day, the ants are out. If it turns cold again, they’ll dive back down, but then they come out the first warm day. They can’t wait to get out.

And here’s the last part of the ant philosophy. How much will an ant gather during the summer to prepare for the winter? All he possibly can. What an incredible philosophy, the “all–you–possibly–can” philosophy.

Wow, what a great philosophy to have—the ant philosophy. Never give up, look ahead, stay positive and do all you can.

Monday Morning Motivation: Success Track

Back in our school days (or school daze for some) there were specific academic achievements that needed to be accomplished to graduate from one grade to the next, from grade school to high-school, high-school to college and so forth. The track was all laid out and it was clear (to the non-dazed folks at least) what needed to be accomplished to move forward and succeed.

At some point, we entered the working world and all that changed. We had multiple tracks to choose from and the path to success became considerably more fuzzy.

Some people chose a less than desirable track. These folks can be found complaining about their job most days. Other folks were headed in the right direction but then, for various reasons, got side-tracked.  Both folks will find that if they continue heading in the wrong direction they’ll ultimately end up in the wrong place.

What you do today shapes your tomorrows. Where you end up then depends on what track you’re on now.

This principle applies to not only your long-term goals but also your short-term objectives. In sales, what you achieve in a given month will determine if you’re on track to meet your goal for the quarter. A successful quarter will put you on the right track for a successful year.

And, of course, a successful Monday will put you on track for a successful week!

Success Track

Make a Great Day!

Steve 🙂

Monday Morning Motivation: Go To Success

Here’s a simple, yet powerful, Monday Morning Motivation.

Quite often success comes to those who are proactive. Those Pinnacle Performers constantly seeking out new opportunities to learn and grow, develop new business, create new customer relationships and control their destiny.

The reactive types are waiting to be in the right place at the right time, waiting for the phone to ring, waiting for opportunity to knock, waiting for success to happen.

Don’t let that be you. Get up, get on your horse and as I often say…

Make a Great Day!

Steve 🙂

Go to Success

See All Of Steve’s Pinnacle Performance Quotes >
Pinnacle Performance Quotes on Pinterest

Work Break

With Summer upon us, many employees have a hard time focusing on their jobs and find themselves on an extended mental (if not physical) break. Below is a witty sign a crafty company posted to remind their employees of their mission. Would this be a suitable addition to your workplace?

Work Break

Have a Happy 4th of July break (tomorrow)

Steve 🙂


Monday Morning Motivation: New Beginning

Hard to believe 2013 is now half-way to done. Time flies when you’re on the run!

This mid-year point is the perfect time to evaluate your sales performance year-to-date. Have you hit your performance goals thus far? Are you on track to achieve your 2013 goal? If not, why not? What do you need to do to get on track, elevate your performance and finish strong in the second half of the year now here?

My 25+ years of sales/sales management experience has revealed that under-performing salespeople are typically not getting themselves in front of enough qualified prospects or, if they are, they’re not as effective as they should (and could) be. Often it’s a combination of both deficiencies.

One thing is certain; you cannot change the past. You can, however, control your future. What you do (and how you do it) from this day forward will determine where you end up at the end of the year. It is your new beginning…

New Beginning

Vitallity Ability

Power Your StoryMake a Great Day!


Need help with what you do and how you do it to achieve and exceed your sales goals? Visit Sale Away LLC.

Monday Morning Motivation

Time for a little Monday Morning Motivation…

How will you be better this week than last?


Onward & Upward!


Make a Great Day!


The Power of Doughnuts?


Good Day Folks,

As a professional sales/customer service trainer,  I’m often approached by individuals seeking the right foods to power their pinnacle performance.

Actually that has never happened but it does bring up a good point.

Today is National Doughnut Day!

It’s true. See this report from ABC News that includes where you can get free doughnuts today > National Doughnut Day 2013: Where to Get Free Doughnuts

Assuming you have not run out of the building to your local doughnut retailer and are still reading this I will add that doughnuts would not be my first recommendation as an energy-driver power food. However, there is something to be said (something good) about the personal enjoyment derived from a good glazed pastry with a hole in it.

Or perhaps your more  of a creme or jelly filled sans-hole type of doughnut connoisseur? No worries, they have plenty of those to please the most demanding pallet.

There is some logic, albeit fuzzy, at work here too. Doughnuts put you in a good mood. It’s just hard to miserable eating one. And when you’re in a good mood “Positive Attracts Positive” and everything goes better.

Besides, you work hard. That’s what Pinnacle Performers do. You deserve a delicacy now and then. Consider it a just reward for a job well done this week.

Make mine a powdered chocolate warmed (but not too hot) with some strawberry cream dipping sauce!

Steve 🙂

Things Turn Out Best For The People Who Make The Best Of The Way Things Turn Out

Good Day Pinnacle Performers,

Welcome to May! Hope this post finds you doing extraordinarily well.

We have arrived at the last in the series of John Wooden Maxims:

“Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.”

Excerpt from Wooden: A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections on and Off the Court:

“Why is it so much easier to complain about the things we do not have than to make the most of and appreciate the things we do have?”

This quote ties directly into the Maxim as many folks don’t make the most of the way things turns out, instead focusing on and complaining about what is missing and/or wrong with the situation.

This is a lesson I personally lived out in my professional selling efforts. When I started in business management consulting sales, I was assigned a territory that was considered to be “saturated”, having gone through many years with many different sales reps before me calling on what was, by and large, the same prospective client base.  At the same time, there were brand new “virgin” territories in other areas of the Eastern U.S. that afforded the sales reps there opportunities to get in front of potential clients for the very first time. In a new territory, it was not uncommon for the salesperson who worked there to receive (from the company’s inside sales effort) twice the number of appointments in any given week.

It would have been quite easy to focus on those negatives; I can’t sell because the territory is saturated, I can’t sell because the prospects I’m seeing have seen us 14 times already,  I can’t sell because I’m getting half the appointments, etc.

Instead I chose (with some effective mentoring at the time) to focus on what I did have and could control. If I had less opportunities and the opportunities themselves would potentially be of lower quality, well then I needed to be all that much better with the opportunities I did have or I would surely fail.  I’m happy to report that was not the case…

Over my 10 years with the company, I maintained the highest batting average (sales to presentation ratio) and ended my tenure with the highest generated revenue totals in the company’s history.

One thing is certain. You will have challenges. You will have obstacles. In order to succeed you must build a mental bridge and get over them. What John Wooden said is true:

Thing Turn Out Best - John Wooden

Make a Great Day!

Steve 🙂

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