Steve Ferrante's High Performance Blog for Sales/Customer Service/Leadership Champs and Progressive Professionals!

Posts tagged ‘Doubt’

Doubt is the Enemy of Success

When it comes to success in any endeavor, doubt stands in stark contrast to belief. While belief propels individuals forward with confidence and conviction, doubt undermines their efforts and stifles progress. When doubt creeps into the minds of individuals it casts shadows of uncertainty over their abilities and goals. It erodes confidence, causing hesitation and indecision, ultimately hindering action and achievement.

In essence, doubt is the enemy of success, impeding personal growth and inhibiting the realization of one’s full potential. Therefore, while belief serves as a catalyst for success, doubt serves as its adversary, threatening to derail even the most determined individuals from reaching their goals.

Having spent the past 30 years in business consulting and having trained well over 10,000 professionals since starting my own consultancy in 2005, I have found that most failures are from those who doubted they would succeed to begin with.

Often this self-sabotaging is subconscious with the offender not even being aware of the doubt trap they created. As an example, a few years ago I was a featured speaker at an annual conference for a large service industry association. As anticipated, there were about 400 members in attendance. After my presentation, a couple dozen or so attendees came up to say hello, ask questions, retrieve my business card, etc. While chatting, a woman remarked, “I don’t know how you do it… I could never speak in front of hundreds of people.” Predicting her predicament I asked, “do you often speak to large groups like this?” “No never, I’m a terrible public speaker,” she pleaded.

Likewise, I’m a terrible astronaut, an atrocious brain surgeon, and simply stink at a whole bunch of other things I’ve never tried to do or be.

So, if you ever say (or think) you’re not good at something you’ve never done, recognize that you’re setting yourself up to fail.  On the plus-side, you have also identified your first step in recovery.

Believe to Achieve

Belief serves as the foundation upon which high achievers build their aspirations and goals. These individuals cultivate a deep-seated confidence in themselves, their abilities, and their vision, enabling them to persist in the face of adversity and setbacks.

Belief fuels high achievers’ determination, driving them to push beyond their comfort zones and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Moreover, their unwavering belief in their potential fosters resilience, allowing them to bounce back from failures with renewed energy and determination.

In summary, you have to believe to achieve. No doubt about it.


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