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Gear Guardians: The Heroes of Autoville

There are currently over 1000 tire/auto service sales and service associates participating in Pinnacle Performance Training. As awesome as they are, none of what they do for customers would be possible without the technicians that support their businesses. They deserve our heartfelt thanks and recognition for the superheroes they are! This story is a tribute to them…

Gear Guardians: The Heroes of Autoville

In the bustling city of Autoville, where engines roared like distant thunder, a group of auto service associates transformed into superheroes. Led by their charismatic leader, Mechanica, they battled the commonplace forces of ordinary customer service that plagued the city.

Mechanica, with her keen diagnostic skills, could pinpoint car troubles with pinnacle precision. Her team, known as the Gear Guardians, comprised of Sparkplug, the electric expert, and Lug Wrench, the strong and steadfast technician. Together, they vowed to rescue the city from the clutches of subpar customer service.

Lug Wrench in Action

One day, a distressed citizen named Riley rolled into their garage with a sputtering car and a weary spirit. Mechanica, donned in her technician uniform like a cape, approached with a reassuring smile. She listened attentively, decoding the mysterious language of engine troubles.

As Sparkplug delved into the car’s electric heart, and Lug Wrench worked his mechanical magic, the Gear Guardians uncovered a nefarious plot by the villainous forces of Mediocrity Motors. This sinister syndicate sought to spread lackluster service across Autoville, draining the joy from every journey.

Sinister Mediocre Mechanic

The Gear Guardians, fueled by a sense of duty, confronted the villainous mediocrity head-on. With wrenches clashing and sparks flying, they repaired and revitalized not just Riley’s car but the spirits of countless citizens who had fallen victim to the ordinary.

Word of the Gear Guardians’ heroics spread like wildfire, inspiring a wave of appreciation for auto service excellence. Citizens began to see the true value of a team that went above and beyond, turning routine repairs into a heroic endeavor.

As Mechanica and her team continued to thwart the forces of ordinary customer service, Mediocrity Motors was banished and Autoville transformed into a haven of exceptional automotive care. The Gear Guardians proved that, in the world of auto service, every repair, every diagnostic triumph, and every customer that received exceptional service was a step toward saving the city from the mundane.


And so, with wrenches as their weapons and customer satisfaction as their shield, the Gear Guardians stood tall, ensuring that Autoville would forever be a place where ordinary service was vanquished by the extraordinary efforts of those who embraced the heroic spirit of auto service excellence.


Looking to create service superheros at your auto service business? We can definitely help! Check out

Is serving customers exceptionally well a true priority at your business?

Ever buy a good product and get lousy service? I bet you have. When you get poor service at a restaurant, as an example, the food doesn’t taste as good and your view of the business is downgraded.

Much of the problems created by poor customer service can be resolved by hiring people with a good attitude and pleasing personality before you tell them they need both on the job.

All too often employees go thru the motions without their head and heart committed to providing the quality of service that customers fondly remember, rave about, and return because of. Serving customers exceptionally well is not especially important to these disengaged employees.

Beyond hiring and training your customer service staff properly, leadership must constantly promote the proper customer-focused culture and communicate the importance of service excellence as a key driver of the businesses success.

Make a Great Day!


** For many more Pinnacle Performance Quotes, please visit > Steve’s Pinnacle Performance Quotes

Served Without Service


In my recent article, Rise of the Machines: Competing With Robots and Other Automated Adversaries, I wrote about the challenges traditional retailers face against businesses that rely on automation as their primary customer interface. 

Well now a new restaurant in San Francisco, Eatsa, is embracing the machines revolution with their almost fully automated eating establishment. 

As shown in this nifty The Robo Restaurant slideshow customers order, pay and receive their food all without any human interaction. There are no counters or servers present. Orders are taken on an iPad and food appears in a cubby located behind transparent LCD screens. 

The end of the world as we know it? No, there are plenty of restaurants doing just fine with their old-fashioned human-to-human service. 

But this is another eye-opening example of how technology is replacing the human interface and changing the face of customer service.

Humanly Yours,

Steve 🙂

Tony Robbin’s on Millimeter Shifts

In my Pinnacle Performance sales/customer service/professional development training, I teach clients that that they typically don’t have to do a major overhaul and change everything they’re doing to achieve superior results. Rather, they need to assess their personal performance and consistently make small changes in their behaviors and execution. It is these small changes that when compounded day-by-day can produce BIG RESULTS.

This short clip from Tony Robbins is very much in line with that principle. Here he speaks about how “millimeter shifts” can dramatically improve your outlook and performance.

Make a Great day!


Workplace FUN Tips!

Why are so many market-leading companies also the best places to work? Because they know happiness matters and they create a culture of fun in the workplace that improves employee morale and productivity.

Here’s a amusing little video on some silly things you could do to have some fun in your workplace…

Make a Great Day!


Pinnacle Performance Places 1

Click-On Here To View Full Gallery > Pinnacle Performance Places 1

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