Steve Ferrante's High Performance Blog for Sales/Customer Service/Leadership Champs and Progressive Professionals!

Posts tagged ‘Would You Buy You?’

Would You Buy You?


When you go shopping for anything, have you noticed how many items are advertised as “Old & Degraded”? Probably not. How about “Same Ol’ Same Ol'”? Very likely, no. It’s safe to say that neither of those are popular product labels. On the other hand, “New & Improved” is on just about everything advertised everywhere at all times. It seems you can’t walk down the aisle of a supermarket without being bombarded by these signs of continuous product improvement.

Do you remember Pop Tarts? Well, when I was growing up Pop Tarts and I were never far apart. Strawberry, blueberry, plain, frosted, I had to have them. After all, who doesn’t savor the wholesome goodness of a manufactured pastry snack? Well, as fate would have it, growing older Pop Tarts and I somehow drifted apart… perhaps replaced by my Slim Jim phase in the early 90’s but no one can be sure.

In any event, one day our paths crossed again but this time it was different… I can still vividly recall the big bold colorful letters as the store sign dramatically called out, “New and Improved Pop Tarts”. Surely you jest.. I hadn’t received the newsletter but, sure enough, right there perched in front of me, they were. They did look new and improved… The package was now a bright minty green, not that circa 1960’s white cardboard look of old. And, the toaster had obviously been working out as it was fit and trim with all the sparkly gleam of a new model.

Not one to miss the opportunity at what must surely now be true perfection, I swiftly snatched 2 boxes and departed. Well, guess what? Much to my astonishment, these were the same ol’ Pop Tarts I remember when I was a kid!?! Nothing perceptibly different I could muster. That’s not to say they were bad, just the same yummy good as before.

If you pay attention, you’ll notice this “New & Improved” marketing is being used regularly for a wide variety of products in many different industries. Of course, many of these products are indeed ‘new and improved’ in some way and that’s a good thing. 

More often than not, however, the actual improvements are so small that the most noticeable change to the consumer is in the packaging itself. These deliberate advertising/marketing efforts have proven to be effective time and time again or rest assured they would not be commonplace.

These same type of deliberate efforts need to be made by progressive professionals seeking greater levels of success.

The fact is… YOU are the product! 

YOU have a choice in the way you perceive yourself, package yourself and, ultimately, sell yourself to others.

Every day you have a choice to be new & improved so ask yourself…

“New & Improved” or “Same Ol’ Same Ol”? Which one would you buy?

Every Day You Have A Choice To Be New & Improved

Make a Great Day!

Steve 🙂

Steve Ferrante is the Grand PooBah & Trainer of Champions of Sale Away LLC., providing Pinnacle Performance Sales, Customer Service and Winning Team Culture training, speaking and professional development services to success-driven organizations throughout North America. For detailed information visit Sale Away. Steve can be reached directly at 866-721-6086 ext. 701 or via email at

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